Zeng Qianyang
Qianyang's Space
Music Composer
Bilibili Channel: https://space.bilibili.com/11395425/video
Instagram: Sefr Bitamacco Zeng
SoundCloud List
Some Rescore Work
Layaway (Comp)
Words (Comp)
The Revennt (Comp)
Loving Vincent (Comp)
Lion v2
Hennesy Odyssey v4 (Comp)
【Film Muisc】for Iron Man 3 Cue
【Film Muisc】 for Genshin Story Teaser Cue
for Made in Abyss Cue.mp4
Portfolio 2023
Portfolio 2024.01.23 (Comp)
Zeng Qianyang is a composer for orchestral music. He majored in Computer Science and Technology in college, and minored in Musical Engineering and Technology. He started with classical piano lessons at the age of 6. He received systematic training in music composition from Mr. Xie Peng of the Central Conservatory of Music in the second year in college. He has been interested and focusing on studying scores by the artist associated with Impressionism and early 20th century. Intrigued by cartoons produced by Disney and DreamWorks, he developed an interest in film music. He also enjoyed appreciating and started to learn a variety genres of music. Now he is still seeking his own way to be a story teller in music, and express himself through music.